Saturday, March 6, 2010
hari yg panas...
hari ni cuaca sgt2la panas n since aku jual air agak ramai gakla org yg berhenti beli.hari ni dlm sejarah aku meniaga dgn pakai mask coz aku selsema sbb panas dlm dr pagi aku asyik bersin then air x benti mengalir kuar dr hidung aku, aku pun pakai mask sambil meniaga utk emngelakkan sebrg jangkitan kuman kpd sesiapa sms urusan jual beli dijalankan.habis tisu 1 kotak aku kerjakan n mask 6 helai,sbb sumenye basah n aku x selesa n x bleh bernafas,semakin hari makin tengahari kepala aku semakin sakit,batuk2(coz tekak gatal)ayah aku de beli nasi beriani tp x smpt nk mkn dh start kalut skit sbb aku x sempat nk kupas kelapa tp pelanggan dh beberapa org aku ttp meneruskan tugas sprt biase.pas sume pelanggan dh dpt air dorg aku pny nasi beriani yg dh menunggu pun disantap sehingga habis,alhamdulillah kenyang,hu3.pkl 4 mak aku pun blk n mengambil alih keje2 menjaga gerai jualan,aku pun msk umah solat n tido..x smpi setgh jam tido aku dh dgr mak aku terjerit2 pgl ckp tlg kemas hari dhnk ribut.(ku sangka panas hingga ke ptg rupanya hujan ditengahari)pe lg kelam kabutla kitaorg kemas brg meniaga, x abis kemas lg hujan turun mencurah2 dgn lebatnye..kilat n guruh sekali,mcmn ni,nk xnk redah jela hujan sambil angkut brg meniaga ke rumah, selesai sume brg2 diangkat mandi pastu bsh brg2 yg ptt dibasuh..pas hujan dh reda mak aku ajak g beli brg2 yg dh abis,memula beli anak ikan utk ikan kelisa kt umah tu cian dia,mknn dh abis,pastu beli brg2 meniaga yg dh abis,cawan,air,gula n byk lg,smpi pnuh bonet keta kitaorg memborong brg.on the way blk jeput adik aku dr KTM pastu blk ke umah memunggah brg kuar dr keta plak,pnat..dh siap punggah brg mkn..nasi+sup tulang.sedap..pastu tgk cte my super ex-girlfriend klaka gile xleh byg klula btul de org yg mcm tu.hu3.skrg update blog sementara tunggu nk tido.nite2
Friday, March 5, 2010
adakah ini tanda narcolepsy?
hari ni buat kali keempatnye aku tertidur lg ketika memandu.,mujur tiada apa2 yg berlaku.Allah masih nk bg peluang kt aku utk bernafas lg sehari.dulu time aku keje aku selalu sgt tertido ketika buat keje.boss aku suruh aku g check, dr suspect aku menghidapi narcolepsy.mujurla slps diperiksa n duduk wad selama 3 hari aku tidak menghidapi penyakit tersebut,namun apa yg membinggungkan para DR pakar neurologi ialah bagaimana aku boleh tidur ketika melakukan kerja, memandangkan aku bekerja n study masalah tertido scr tiba2 ni mmg masalah besar,bayangkanla klu korg ni boss tetibe tgk anak buah korg tido time keje x ke hangin dibuatnye..?DR menasihatkan aku megorbankan samada keje or study sbb kemungkinan besar fenomena aku tertido ketika melakukan sebarang kerja ni adalah disebabkan oleh krn aku x ckp rehat,aku x boleh penat,nnti otak aku seolah2 shut down sendiri tau2 je dh tido,n yg sgt menarik aku tido duduk x perlu meletakkan kepala kt atas meja pun..pelik sungguh walau bising mcmn pun klu dh nk tido tu tido jgk akhirnye.akhirnya aku mengambil keputusan utk berhenti keje, boss x bg dia tolak surat resign aku, dia kte walaupun aku tido time keje tp aku still siapkan keje aku, tp aku mls nk stay sbb aku dh dgr soh seh rakan2 seperjuangan di finance mengata aku mcm2, baik aku berambus dl sblm aku mkn hati lama2 kt sini.
slps aku berhenti keje aku dapati mmg benar masalah tertido ketika melakukan keje kini tiada.namun x kekal lama,sejak aku meniaga n menyambung semester 3, masalah tertido aku tu makin menjadi2,dlm kelas tido tu 1 hal dh rugi x dgr pe lec ckp kt dpn, ni prob lg besar aku tido time tgh drive, keta tgh bergerak bknye tgh berhenti kt lampu traffik. tgh tekan minyak tu ntah bile mse ntah aku dh terlelap celik mata dh ada kt lane lain,x pun sbb kena hon dgn keta lain.bahaya aku xde pilihan lain.xde sape yg nk hntr aku g kls. so aku kenala drive sendiri.hrp2 pasni x jd lg mcm ari2 sblm ni, i need enough rest,but how?huhuhu.any suggestion?
kt bwh ni ada fakta psl ape itu narcolepsy..
(Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. At various times throughout the day, people with narcolepsy experience fleeting urges to sleep. If the urge becomes overwhelming, patients fall asleep for periods lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or longer.
Narcoleptic sleep episodes can occur at any time, and thus frequently prove profoundly disabling. People may involuntarily fall asleep while at work or at school, when having a conversation, playing a game, eating a meal, or, most dangerously, when driving an automobile or operating other types of potentially hazardous machinery. In addition to daytime sleepiness, three other major symptoms frequently characterize narcolepsy: cataplexy, or the sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone; vivid hallucinations during sleep onset or upon awakening; and brief episodes of total paralysis at the beginning or end of sleep.
Contrary to common beliefs, people with narcolepsy do not spend a substantially greater proportion of their time asleep during a 24-hour period than do normal sleepers. In addition to daytime drowsiness and involuntary sleep episodes, most patients also experience frequent awakenings during nighttime sleep. For these reasons, narcolepsy is considered to be a disorder of the normal boundaries between the sleeping and waking states.
For most adults, a normal night's sleep lasts about 8 hours and is composed of four to six separate sleep cycles. A sleep cycle is defined by a segment of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep followed by a period of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The NREM segment can be further divided into stages according to the size and frequency of brain waves. REM sleep, in contrast, is accompanied by bursts of rapid eye movement (hence the acronym REM sleep) along with sharply heightened brain activity and temporary paralysis of the muscles that control posture and body movement. When subjects are awakened from sleep, they report that they were "having a dream" more often if they had been in REM sleep than if they had been in NREM sleep. Transitions from NREM to REM sleep are governed by interactions among groups of neurons (nerve cells) in certain parts of the brain.
Scientists now believe that narcolepsy results from disease processes affecting brain mechanisms that regulate REM sleep. For normal sleepers a typical sleep cycle is about 100 - 110 minutes long, beginning with NREM sleep and transitioning to REM sleep after 80 - 100 minutes. But, people with narcolepsy frequently enter REM sleep within a few minutes of falling asleep.)
slps aku berhenti keje aku dapati mmg benar masalah tertido ketika melakukan keje kini tiada.namun x kekal lama,sejak aku meniaga n menyambung semester 3, masalah tertido aku tu makin menjadi2,dlm kelas tido tu 1 hal dh rugi x dgr pe lec ckp kt dpn, ni prob lg besar aku tido time tgh drive, keta tgh bergerak bknye tgh berhenti kt lampu traffik. tgh tekan minyak tu ntah bile mse ntah aku dh terlelap celik mata dh ada kt lane lain,x pun sbb kena hon dgn keta lain.bahaya aku xde pilihan lain.xde sape yg nk hntr aku g kls. so aku kenala drive sendiri.hrp2 pasni x jd lg mcm ari2 sblm ni, i need enough rest,but how?huhuhu.any suggestion?
kt bwh ni ada fakta psl ape itu narcolepsy..
(Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. At various times throughout the day, people with narcolepsy experience fleeting urges to sleep. If the urge becomes overwhelming, patients fall asleep for periods lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or longer.
Narcoleptic sleep episodes can occur at any time, and thus frequently prove profoundly disabling. People may involuntarily fall asleep while at work or at school, when having a conversation, playing a game, eating a meal, or, most dangerously, when driving an automobile or operating other types of potentially hazardous machinery. In addition to daytime sleepiness, three other major symptoms frequently characterize narcolepsy: cataplexy, or the sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone; vivid hallucinations during sleep onset or upon awakening; and brief episodes of total paralysis at the beginning or end of sleep.
Contrary to common beliefs, people with narcolepsy do not spend a substantially greater proportion of their time asleep during a 24-hour period than do normal sleepers. In addition to daytime drowsiness and involuntary sleep episodes, most patients also experience frequent awakenings during nighttime sleep. For these reasons, narcolepsy is considered to be a disorder of the normal boundaries between the sleeping and waking states.
For most adults, a normal night's sleep lasts about 8 hours and is composed of four to six separate sleep cycles. A sleep cycle is defined by a segment of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep followed by a period of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The NREM segment can be further divided into stages according to the size and frequency of brain waves. REM sleep, in contrast, is accompanied by bursts of rapid eye movement (hence the acronym REM sleep) along with sharply heightened brain activity and temporary paralysis of the muscles that control posture and body movement. When subjects are awakened from sleep, they report that they were "having a dream" more often if they had been in REM sleep than if they had been in NREM sleep. Transitions from NREM to REM sleep are governed by interactions among groups of neurons (nerve cells) in certain parts of the brain.
Scientists now believe that narcolepsy results from disease processes affecting brain mechanisms that regulate REM sleep. For normal sleepers a typical sleep cycle is about 100 - 110 minutes long, beginning with NREM sleep and transitioning to REM sleep after 80 - 100 minutes. But, people with narcolepsy frequently enter REM sleep within a few minutes of falling asleep.)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
aku dh lama x kuar g shopping2 ni sjk aku x keje, bajetla katakan...arini aku g opems pc fair kt uitm.sakan abis aku bershopping.abis R500.sekejap je,duit mengalir kuar mcm air.aku beli external hard disk 2,earphone,webcam,laptop skin 2,keyboard protector 2,external hard disk case 2,kasut crocs 2,t-shirt makan2 lg..tau2 je duit dh abis rm500++.btul kot org kte shopping tu 1 terapi, mmg bestla dpt shopping,tp yg x bestnye duit abis.ha3.tula g lg belanja x ingt dunia sape suruh.skrg dh nyesal.he3.xpe2 bkn selalu,pasni nk kena simpan duit lg utk book fair plak.senarai buku yg nk di beli dh siap dh ni.he3
aku dh lama x kuar g shopping2 ni sjk aku x keje, bajetla katakan...arini aku g opems pc fair kt uitm.sakan abis aku bershopping.abis R500.sekejap je,duit mengalir kuar mcm air.aku beli external hard disk 2,earphone,webcam,laptop skin 2,keyboard protector 2,external hard disk case 2,kasut crocs 2,t-shirt makan2 lg..tau2 je duit dh abis rm500++.btul kot org kte shopping tu 1 terapi, mmg bestla dpt shopping,tp yg x bestnye duit abis.ha3.tula g lg belanja x ingt dunia sape suruh.skrg dh nyesal.he3.xpe2 bkn selalu,pasni nk kena simpan duit lg utk book fair plak.senarai buku yg nk di beli dh siap dh ni.he3
hari ni aku dpt berita yg nenek busu meninggal, innalillah.mcm x caya je sbb dia x sakit apa2.abgnye yg telah sakit sekian lama dan maknya yg tlh tua pun masih hidup lg.sblm ini abangnya tlh pergi meninggalkan dunia yg fana ini kini dia pula yg menyusul.mujur moyangku tlh tua dan nyanyuk maka dia terlupa bahawa anaknya kini tlh 2 org pergi meninggalkanya.aku masih ingt pada hari raya aidilfitri yg lalu moyangku tlh bertny mengenai anak lelakinye yg tlh meninggal dunia itu.dia mencr2 mengapakah anaknya itu masih blum tiba2 lg.
kini setlh seorg lg saudaraku pergi, pergi x kembali,siapa pun tidak akan tahu bilakah dia akan mati, x kira usia atau di mana kita berada,x kira siapa kita, klu dh smpi janji tuhan.maka maut akan menjemput kita tanpa lewat sesaat pun.
ingatlah manusia, hidup ini sementara.jd manfaatkanlah ia sebaiknya.
hari ni aku dpt berita yg nenek busu meninggal, innalillah.mcm x caya je sbb dia x sakit apa2.abgnye yg telah sakit sekian lama dan maknya yg tlh tua pun masih hidup lg.sblm ini abangnya tlh pergi meninggalkan dunia yg fana ini kini dia pula yg menyusul.mujur moyangku tlh tua dan nyanyuk maka dia terlupa bahawa anaknya kini tlh 2 org pergi meninggalkanya.aku masih ingt pada hari raya aidilfitri yg lalu moyangku tlh bertny mengenai anak lelakinye yg tlh meninggal dunia itu.dia mencr2 mengapakah anaknya itu masih blum tiba2 lg.
kini setlh seorg lg saudaraku pergi, pergi x kembali,siapa pun tidak akan tahu bilakah dia akan mati, x kira usia atau di mana kita berada,x kira siapa kita, klu dh smpi janji tuhan.maka maut akan menjemput kita tanpa lewat sesaat pun.
ingatlah manusia, hidup ini sementara.jd manfaatkanlah ia sebaiknya.
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